You are here: Alt Configuration > Alt Control Center Help > HRIS > Org Unit Type

Org Unit Type

Org Unit Type page displays a list of org unit types in an organization. You can filter the list on the basis of unit type name, unit type description, parent org unit type, parent org unit type code, unit level and is cost center level.

How to create an org unit type?

1. Click + icon on the top right. Following pop up window will open.

Field Level Description

UnitType Name name of org unit type.
UnitType Description description of org unit type.
ParentOrgUnitType non editable. Displayed by default. Last org unit type created.
ParentOrgUnitType Code code of the org unit type. It can be in the form of numeric value, alpha numeric value, free text or any unique character as per your organization's requirement.
Unit Level level number of org unit type.
IsCostCenterLevel can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether org unit type is cost center level dependent or not.
Mandatory can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether Org Unit Type is mandatory or not.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button. The org unit type will be created and added to the org unit types list.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Org Unit Types are displayed in Organization Unit section under HRIS > Employment Details > Position Information as field labels.