You are here: Alt Configuration > Alt Control Center Help > HRIS > Announcement


Announcement page displays a list of announcements. You can filter the list on the basis of Announcement, Title and Status.

How to add an announcement?

1. Click + icon. Following pop up will open.

Field Level Description

Announcement Type list of types of announcements. You can choose one.
Mobile Announcement description of announcement for mobile.
Title title of announcement.
Upload Image Click Upload Image icon to choose an image.
Start Date start date of announcement.
End Date end date of announcement.
Is Active can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether an announcement is visible to employees or not.
Is Welcome Message can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether announcement is visible under Welcome heading or not.
Mobile Push Notification description of push notification.
Announcement in EN description of announcement in English for web.
Announcement in HI description of announcement in Hindi for web.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Announcement is displayed on Home page of Alt Worklife under Announcement heading.